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2.Insured Investments

The Most Boring Investment:


For 30 years you will receive 5.5% annual interest every year. That simple, that boring. No surprises. As predictable as the sunrise, always the same performance, year after year. Your principal and interest aren’t just protected, they’re also insured.


We collaborate with seasoned partners, boasting six decades of industry experience, who are willing to mitigate any potential risks in return for extended commitment periods (maturity). The underlying investment pertains to a  Luxembourg fund with credit rating A, Shareholders Equity of € 195 Million and Total Capital Ratio of 80%. 


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As an additional security layer, your capital and interest will be insured by Aon, a company publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange with a market capitalization of $60 billion and assets worth $33 billion.



This insured product is in compliance with the European Council Solvency II directive.  This directive is a fundamental regulatory standard for insurance firms operating within the European Union, ensuring they maintain enough capital to reduce the risk of insolvency. In essence, it’s a protective measure that safeguards the financial stability of the insurer and, by extension, the interests of the policyholders.

The Investment can be used as collateral for Lombard loans if liquidity is needed.

The 30 Years Maturity option can be cancelled with 90 Days notice and a penalty equivalent to 4 years of Interests.

Big Kick

The availability of this product is subject to our partners acceptance. This product is also supervised by the Fund Financial Sector Supervisory Commission in Luxembourg (  

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